Context aware computing at the museum

The museum is a great place to examine context-aware computing. People are coming to the museum, alone or in small groups, and want to receive context-aware information regarding their surroundings. The context used is usually the location that the visitors are currently at, but can also be their current interest, movement, activity, interaction with their peers and more.

We examine these issues within the context of the PIL project. The PIL project is a research project focusing on exploring the possibility to use novel technologies for enhancing the museum visit experience. In the framework of the project, a research prototype was developed and then converted into a working museum visitors’ guide. Technology has been experimented and used by visitors at the Hecht museum, a small to medium sized museum containing both archeological and art exhibits located on the campus of the University of Haifa. The system provides multimedia presentations about selected museum exhibits in three languages. The system is location aware and its positioning is based on proximity detection.



Ido Beja, Joel Lanir & Tsvi Kuflik (2015). Examining factors influencing the disruptiveness of notifications in a mobile museum contextHuman Computer Interaction Journal. Vol 30, No. 5. pp. 433-472. Taylor & Francis.  Link

Tsvi Kuflik, Joel LanirEyal Dim, Alan Wecker, Michele Corra, Massimo Zancanaro, Oliviero Stock (2012). Indoor positioning in cultural heritage: challenges and a solutionIEEE 27th convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Israel (IEEEI), 1-5.    Link

Joel Lanir, Tsvi Kuflik, Alan J Wecker, Oliviero Stock, & Massimo Zancanaro, (2011). Examining proactiveness and choice in a location-aware mobile museum guideInteracting with Computers23(5), 513-524.



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