The use of graphics makes communication and analysis easy. Graphical environments, and specifically visualizations, may allow the user to easily understand relationships, patterns and movements of the underlying data. Visualization is necessary and important for various human activities such as: navigation, finding trends and patterns, search, etc. Choosing the way to represent the visualization of a specific task and data is important for better understanding the data and the task.
In this research we focus on Spatio-temporal data. This data is characterized by having two components: space and time. We are comparing animation, small multiples and space-time cube techniques for visualizing Spatio-temporal data. Few studies exist that deal with comparisons between different techniques for visualizing Spatio-temporal information, and there is no clear answer for the question what is the preferred technique for visualizing this kind of data for a given task. We conducted a within-subject experiment which explores the optimaltechnique of visualizing Spatio-temporal information given several types of tasks and types of data.